Sunday, April 6, 2014

(5) The Lightning Show

I said to Eric yesterday, early early in the morning, "I can still do it. It's only April 5th." Eric said, "Yes. You can. Especially if they aren't are perfect gems..." Here's 5 out of 30... 60 more days left for 25 more songs....
I don’t know what I think about God these days
I don’t know who to trust or when to be afraid
because sometimes my intuition’s wrong
That’s why I had to write this song
But what I truly know I know
Is that I used to watch the lightning show

The dust kicks up in the desert suburb
I’m called inside by my brown-haired mother
The wind chimes start goin' crazy mad
I’ll wait on the porch with my silver-haired dad
As the mountains get shrouded with purple clouds
We smell the rain before it ever comes down
We swimming in the pregnant air there’s fire up there
There’s sparks in the purple clouds and in my static hair

It was better than ice cream, better than TV,
perched on the sofa watchin' the lightning show
 from my family’s picture window

I think that the lightning show comes
With all its thunder
To say: You can be loud you are allowed to blunder
 To prove it’s ok to be speak out
And I think God telling me it’s allowed
She’s saying: Everyone should be able to speak out
He’s saying: Girls like you should be allowed to be loud

You are allowed to pour to weep to flash and to explode
 to crash to rumble and to moan
You are allowed run away or you can stay
You are allowed to have false alarms and to find the right arms to keep you warm
You are allowed to change your mind any any old time
And if you are wrong you're still allowed to write your songs 

Sometimes your intuition fails
And you are left, shivering in the hail
But you are still allowed to be loud
Everyone should be able --- to speak out

It was better than ice cream, better than TV,
perched on the sofa watchin' the lightning show
 from my family’s picture window

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